Terrible Twos with Taylor

OMG...Miss Independent has arrived and she's a pain in my butt! Taylor and I can't go a whole day without one of us getting frustrated. We both lose our patience quickly and this girl is bringing out the worst in me. 

I think her major mood swings is the hardest to deal with right now. One minute she will be clinging to me and the next she is running in the opposite direction. Along with the mood swings is Taylor's challenge of verbally expressing to me what she wants or needs. She has big feelings and when I can't understand her, we both get frustrated and that just leads to melt downs.

Taylor definitely wants to do everything by herself. She has a major desire for independence, but has a hard time following rules. When things don't go her way things quickly lead to tantrums and inappropriate behavior. Her go tos are throwing things, hitting and the occasional biting. I absolutely love that she is learning and figuring out life, I just wish she didn't need to do it when we are in a rush to get out the door or that she has to make a mess. 

Listen this girl is straight up ornery. Taylor knows what buttons to push and man can she put up a fight. Aaron and I are working hard to remember patience and really focusing on praising her when she is making good decisions.

Even though we are in the terrible two phase, we are so thankful for all the good things Taylor brings to this family. Taylor is the funniest kid, her facial expressions and sass are too much. She's tough, Aaron likes to refer to her as a linebacker. That girl does not back down and she will put up a fight. I am super happy to report that she's 95% potty trained. We are still holding on to the night time pull ups for now. Taylor is a daddy's girl! She cuddles him hard and sucks up to him like you wouldn't believe. If it wasn't for that temper, she might have daddy wrapped all the way around her finger. 

Tay-Tay, we love you girl and we hope the threenager phase is a little easier!
