It's May and back in April, this girl turned 15 months. It's been a little busy since coming back from vacation. I'm not sure how it is May already or how Taylor is 15 months. I am also unsure on how I am going to keep up with these two sassy ladies. Taylor is A LOT. We thought Payton was a handful and she is, but Taylor is starting early.
Taylor is definitely a fun, happy, silly little girl and not a hellion all the time. I love that she is starting to understand and listens...sometimes. She knows yes and no, come here, sit down, find sissy or daddy, say cheese. Taylor prefers not to respond to no as do most kids I guess. She does help pick up and she likes cleaning her high chair tray when she's done eating. I am taking the good with the bad for sure, but this girl is stubborn and is not afraid to let you know when she isn't happy or doesn't want to listen.
One of the best things is that Taylor loves her sleep and you can absolutely tell when she is ready to go down for the night. Like clockwork, every night between 7p and 7:30p, Taylor is ready for bed and she will sleep til 7a usually. Sometimes a little earlier and sometimes I have to wake her up. The only time she wakes up in the middle of the night is if she is sick or we are just out of our routine. Vacation was definitely a different story. Sleeping in pack and plays and then getting too many small little naps while we were out and about made it more difficult for her. I am so thankful she loves to sleep.
We did have our first family vacation and the girls did pretty good. Towards the end it was a little rough, it was too many days out of our routine that got us. Payton and Taylor had their first experience on an airplane. I strategically booked our flights for early in the morning and late in the evening to catch them when they should be sleeping. It worked out pretty well. I definitely wanted to not have the screaming kid. Taylor slept most of the way to Florida which was great. At the airport waiting to go back was kind of torture. Taylor is at the age that she doesn't want to be sitting for too long. Waiting to get on the plane was rough and she was overtired at that point. She was screaming as we were boarding and preparing for the runway. It was literally right before the plane went up that she fell asleep. She woke up a couple of times, but luckily Aaron was able to get her to calm down and pass back out. It was definitely adventure and I think we may wait another year or two before we try it again.
Gotta go, the girls are calling. Til next time!
refer to her as boss baby. She screams and yells to get what she wants
and only listens when she wants to. I am having a hard time trying to
figure out how to deal with this little lady sometimes. I have decided
we are definitely not eating out in public with her for awhile. Her
screaming and throwing things gives me way too much anxiety. Daycare had
already informed me about her slight stubbornness there. For the most part she does fine there, but she's not afraid to throw a tantrum to try and get her way. Taylor has a mind of
her own and I have no idea what I've gotten myself into.
Taylor is definitely a fun, happy, silly little girl and not a hellion all the time. I love that she is starting to understand and listens...sometimes. She knows yes and no, come here, sit down, find sissy or daddy, say cheese. Taylor prefers not to respond to no as do most kids I guess. She does help pick up and she likes cleaning her high chair tray when she's done eating. I am taking the good with the bad for sure, but this girl is stubborn and is not afraid to let you know when she isn't happy or doesn't want to listen.

Gotta go, the girls are calling. Til next time!
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