this girl out! 30 inches long and 21 lbs. It took Payton 19 months to
get this big! She is trying to catch up to her sister. Payton is only 10
lbs heavier maybe 7 inches taller. Not only is Taylor growing fast she is learning a lot
too. She is ready to do this walking thing and chase around her sister. I
know Payton can't wait either.
is really trying to walk. She will hold on to us and stand up, hold on
to the wall or the cabinets and walk around, she's constantly grabbing
on to just about anything so she can be on her feet. And with her being
on the go, she really doesn't want to be held much. She wants to be
exploring and getting into literally everything! Just yesterday she ate
some of her sisters Play-Doh and kinetic sand. We cannot take our eyes
off of her.

This is
something Aaron and I are definitely getting used to. Peyton was such a
good baby, we never baby proofed the house. Taylor on the other hand,
will find anything and put it in her mouth. We've had to lock up the
cabinets and the drawers and keep the doors closed. It is pretty amazing
what she can find and get into.
Taylor will get into anything, I do love that she will eat just about everything. There hasn't been anything we've put in front of her that she
hasn't eaten. She's got three teeth now, and the pediatrician saw three
more working their way in. Once she gets more teeth she's
going to be really excited about the food she can eat. We are also
working on transitioning off the bottle. She likes the sippy cup just
fine, she just has a little trouble keeping the milk in her mouth sometimes. I'm
not too worried, this girl can eat and eat and eat. My biggest struggle will be figuring out a way to keep her full.
Taylor will also be getting ear tubes this year. Since she started daycare in August, she's had an ear infection pretty much every month. We have an ENT appointment next week, so surgery will be here soon. I hate that we have to do it, but I remember how much it helped Payton. I don't want this girl to have any more ear infections. Next we'll have to watch and see if she has to get rid of her tonsils and adenoids like her big sister. At least Aaron and I know what we're in for.
It's been a fun, crazy and exciting year. The two girls have made life interesting. Can't wait to see what this next year brings!
Taylor will also be getting ear tubes this year. Since she started daycare in August, she's had an ear infection pretty much every month. We have an ENT appointment next week, so surgery will be here soon. I hate that we have to do it, but I remember how much it helped Payton. I don't want this girl to have any more ear infections. Next we'll have to watch and see if she has to get rid of her tonsils and adenoids like her big sister. At least Aaron and I know what we're in for.
It's been a fun, crazy and exciting year. The two girls have made life interesting. Can't wait to see what this next year brings!
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