Oh my goodness, Taylor is 7 months old and growing like a weed. My
little chunky monkey is sitting up like a big girl and going to daycare.
It's been three full weeks and I think she's really loving it. Her
immune system not so much!
have been celebrating her 7 month birthday with a snotty nose, a crappy
cough and an ear infection. I knew this would happen, daycare can take
its toll on a little baby girl. We also have this teething thing going
on. This girl has fluid coming out of every part of her face! We're
thinking teeth are coming any day now. She's using her teethers like
it's her job. Hoping she gets to feeling better soon, it's no fun
seeing her so stuffy.
am proud to say that Taylor's first word was Mama. Dada was a close
second. We are working on Pay Pay next! She loves to jibber jabber, just
like her sister. They love to talk to each other and Payton likes to
translate for us. It is so exciting watching those two together. I
didn't realize how great of a big sister Payton was going to be. Trust me,
she has her jealous moments, but for the most part she really does a
good job helping and playing with her sister.
is trying to figure out this crawling thing. She likes to pretend she
can, but gets stuck pretty easily. I think seeing all the other kids at
daycare is giving her a little motivation :-) I'm totally fine with her not
crawling yet, I'm not quite ready to be chasing two kiddos around!
know it's a short blog, it's been a busy month with both girls in
daycare and work has been insane. Looking forward to our trip to visit
our cousins this weekend. We will have a busy schedule in September with
Payton starting soccer and getting back into gymnastics. Next month's
blog should and will be better! Till next time...
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