We are in the final stretch, just 4 more days til my due date. I honestly thought our baby girl would have made her appearance by now. As of Thursday, I was dilated to a 4 and 50% effaced. I have no idea why she is being stubborn. Sleeping is no fun and she is moving around in what small space she has left making me miserable. Payton keeps talking to her and telling baby sister "No, no...stop hurting mommy." I know Payton is excited and reassures me she is going to be a big helper. Payton is such a sweet, loving, caring, hilarious girl and I can't help but be nervous about how my baby girl will handle this big change.
Payton has been my one and only for the last 3 years. My world has literally revolved around her and she has had my attention all to herself. These last few days have been a little more emotional for me. It's been hard to move around and do things with her, but I want to be able to hold and squeeze her and make sure she knows how much I love her. I am nervous on how she will really react once this new baby needs mommy's attention when she wants it. I hope I have prepared her a little and she knows that she is going to be the big girl and I'll need her help take care of her baby sister. I think she's ready.
We do have a small, big sister party planned for the hospital when Baby Taylor arrives. My mom has been able to help get a few small gifts for Payton from Taylor. We know Taylor will be getting a lot of attention when she arrives, so we are hoping this special little party will continue to help Payton be excited and feel included. Baby Taylor got her matching shirts for her and Payton, a big helper apron and a little bracelet that says "Big Sister". I'm looking forward to the first time Payton sees her sister and how she will react. I'm already crying just thinking about it. I hope they will be best buddies!
Payton is my best buddy. She makes me laugh and sometimes cry, she consoles me when I'm sad, she helps me clean up and cook, she gives amazing hugs and makes my heart whole. We have our struggles and we continue to learn how to communicate with each other. We know how to push each others buttons and know how to make each other smile. Parenting her has been a bumpy road and I have learned a lot. Some days I am not her best friend and some days she wants daddy instead of me. I wouldn't change any of it for the world. My love for her is something I can't explain. I would do anything for that kid and I hope she knows that she will always by Mommy's baby girl.
Payton has been my one and only for the last 3 years. My world has literally revolved around her and she has had my attention all to herself. These last few days have been a little more emotional for me. It's been hard to move around and do things with her, but I want to be able to hold and squeeze her and make sure she knows how much I love her. I am nervous on how she will really react once this new baby needs mommy's attention when she wants it. I hope I have prepared her a little and she knows that she is going to be the big girl and I'll need her help take care of her baby sister. I think she's ready.

Payton is my best buddy. She makes me laugh and sometimes cry, she consoles me when I'm sad, she helps me clean up and cook, she gives amazing hugs and makes my heart whole. We have our struggles and we continue to learn how to communicate with each other. We know how to push each others buttons and know how to make each other smile. Parenting her has been a bumpy road and I have learned a lot. Some days I am not her best friend and some days she wants daddy instead of me. I wouldn't change any of it for the world. My love for her is something I can't explain. I would do anything for that kid and I hope she knows that she will always by Mommy's baby girl.
All of the Beaulieu grandkids have turned into amazing parents. I am so proud of all of you. Our family continues to grow!