The holidays are here and it is the craziest time of year. I'm 33 weeks pregnant, which makes everyday tasks exhausting and some impossible. I have Payton, my 2.5 yr old wild child,who needs momma to carry her everywhere and tend to some ridiculous requests in the most inconvenient times. I have a husband who is dealing with a back injury and likes to compare it with my pregnancy discomforts (he thinks he knows what I'm dealing with, but he has no idea). Lastly, work is literally insane. Not only am I trying to get things done before the end of they year, I am trying to plan for my maternity leave. Through it all, I am really trying to enjoy the moments and spend these last weeks making sure Payton experiences Christmas and knows how much I love her, before she has to share me with another little wild child.
Payton is growing up to be a good mix between Aaron and I. Aaron likes to say Payton is all mine, but he is slowly realizing just how much this little girl is like her daddy!
He tries to deny it, but that temper of hers is all daddy. Just the other night daddy took away candy and she wasn't done with it. As he walked to the kitchen to put it away, Payton followed him in there. She planted her feet firmly on the floor and while shaking and turning red screamed "NO Daddy!" Oh goodness, he did not like that. Needless to say, dad let her know that was not okay and she sat in her room for a good 5 minutes crying and rethinking how she acts.
Payton is always right, JUST like her daddy. There is no reason to try and argue with either of them, they have a hard time listening because they already know that what I am going to say isn't what they want to hear. Payton wants it her way and can be very stubborn when I try to compromise with her. I say one cookie Payton and she says, "No mom, two and holds up 2 fingers." Things that should take a few minutes always last longer because we have to go through this whole negotiation. She wants to wear her jammies to school, she doesn't have to go potty, she's "done" eating, she's not tired...I could go on. I love her hard headed personality as much as I love Aaron's =)
Aaron and I have always been on different schedules. I am by far a morning person, while he likes to stay up late and has trouble sleeping. While Payton sleeps through the night, actually getting her to sleep is a whole different story. I have to take some fault in not keeping a consistent routine, but her and daddy are cuddle buddies at night and then of course I get the cranky morning Payton. We have to get up almost an hour and half before we have to leave just to give Payton time to actually open her eyes, figure out what she will eat, brush teeth, get dressed, potty, etc. Of course, I am the bad guy because I am the one getting her ready for school. Mondays are the worst!
Payton loves to talk and is so funny. Anyone that knows my husband knows that he can talk, and talk and talk. He makes friends with anyone and is super quick-witted. Payton can have a shy moment here and there, but once she gets comfortable she can talk your ear off. The things that come out of her mouth are hilarious. She tells me stories about school and her friends. Her laugh is contagious! I love that she is so outgoing.
My girl is amazing, sweet, funny, sassy and makes our life complete. I let things stress me out a lot and can easily get overwhelmed. One of these days I hope to learn to chill out and just take it all in. It is easier said then done and with baby number two on the way the anxiety is in over drive. I am grateful for my family and the life that I have and am working on not letting things get to me. Gotta enjoy this sweet face!
Payton is growing up to be a good mix between Aaron and I. Aaron likes to say Payton is all mine, but he is slowly realizing just how much this little girl is like her daddy!

Payton is always right, JUST like her daddy. There is no reason to try and argue with either of them, they have a hard time listening because they already know that what I am going to say isn't what they want to hear. Payton wants it her way and can be very stubborn when I try to compromise with her. I say one cookie Payton and she says, "No mom, two and holds up 2 fingers." Things that should take a few minutes always last longer because we have to go through this whole negotiation. She wants to wear her jammies to school, she doesn't have to go potty, she's "done" eating, she's not tired...I could go on. I love her hard headed personality as much as I love Aaron's =)

Payton loves to talk and is so funny. Anyone that knows my husband knows that he can talk, and talk and talk. He makes friends with anyone and is super quick-witted. Payton can have a shy moment here and there, but once she gets comfortable she can talk your ear off. The things that come out of her mouth are hilarious. She tells me stories about school and her friends. Her laugh is contagious! I love that she is so outgoing.
My girl is amazing, sweet, funny, sassy and makes our life complete. I let things stress me out a lot and can easily get overwhelmed. One of these days I hope to learn to chill out and just take it all in. It is easier said then done and with baby number two on the way the anxiety is in over drive. I am grateful for my family and the life that I have and am working on not letting things get to me. Gotta enjoy this sweet face!
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