Aaron and I both agree that we love how fun and silly our little girl can be. Everyday she puts a smile on our face and makes us laugh. The looks she gives us are priceless and then she repeats everything we say with her own little Payton touch. She likes to sing and sing loudly, she likes to dance and wants everyone watching. When we are at the store she is social and saying hi to everyone we pass by. I love watching the smiles she puts on other peoples faces. I love that confidence about her and I hope that stays with her.
We absolutely appreciate her passion for adventure and always wanting to be active. If she could be outside everyday, we would. She loves taking Cami on walks with me (future KCPP dog walker in the making). In the backyard she wants to run around and have Cami chase her. She is working with Nana on a garden and loves to get dirty. I can't wait to see what activities she chooses to do and Aaron I are open to just about anything. We are going to start some fun family vacation planning and make sure Payton gets to experience as much as possible.
Along with Payton's confidence comes a very determined little person. I can appreciate some determination until it turns into stubbornness, which then turns into meltdowns. These days she wants to pick out what she wears, she wants to put it on, she has to feed herself and sometimes me, she wants things "right now", lots of time the world seems to be revolving around Payton. I am working on helping her be the independent little toddler she wants to be, with limits. That has been one of the more stressful challenges for both Aaron and myself. We want her to be her own person, but she doesn't understand when we are looking out for her safety or trying to set boundaries. We definitely have a long road ahead of us.
I think most girls probably come with some sass. Payton has plenty of it with a side of spunk. Most days it makes you laugh and every once and awhile we are dealing with a little diva. She has been pretty good with the word "no" for awhile. She definitely doesn't hesitate to use it. She is also very demanding with her sassy, spunky attitude. Payton wants to make sure you understand what she wants, when she wants it and how it is all going to happen. We color together and she decides what color I get to use. Some days she prefers daddy and others its all about mommy. I of course love when she chooses daddy to brush her teeth and put her to bed =) The sass isn't that bad, we will give it a few more years and see where we are.
At the end of the day we have a super sweet and affection little girl. I will NEVER get tired of her saying, "Mommy, I love you". Daddy will never get tired of her hugs and the way she melts right into his arms. She loves to kiss us goodnight and give us big hugs when she see us. She has been giving lots of compliments lately; "Mommy, I love your hair" and "Daddy, I like your shoes." She is awesome and can really make a bad day better. Being a parent is a lot of work and everyday is different. I really do love it and can't imagine life with out her.
You are the most awesome, smartest and energetic little girl. I love you so much and I am so glad you have this blog to share with us. You make me smile every time I see. Your Aunt Shirley sure is proud of you (and Mommy & Daddy too).