A snowy, stuck at home weekend, is the perfect time to write a blog. It is also a perfect time for the in-laws to come in town and get some quality time in with little Payton. This past month has been a long and tiring month. It is peak season at UPS for Aaron so he is working LOTS of hours and is exhausted every day. I think Payton is bored with only seeing her mommy and has been a little terror when she wants to be. I am so thankful that Christmas is just a week away and we will be enjoying time with family. Aaron, Payton and I could use a break and some time to really appreciate the holiday season.
Payton has had the chance to experience some of Kansas City's holiday awesomeness. Nana and Papa took her to see the Fairy Princesses. She made a couple of ornaments and got to meet a couple of the pretty princesses. We also took a quick trip to Crown Center. Maybe next year we will try it on a not so busy weekend. We played in a few of the stores and outside with all the lights. We had a fun family time...
There was of course the meeting of Santa Claus...
As you can see, it didn't go as well as we hoped, but it was everything I expected. I assumed she wouldn't want to sit with him, but tried to get her excited about it. We played around in the grove at Zona before hand, talking about Santa and confirming she wanted a baby for Christmas. We stood in line and watched a few kids sit on his lap before hand. I kept asking her if she would let Santa hold her and she would nod her head yes. When our turn came up I stood holding her and having a little chat with Santa. She waved and said hi. Once it was time to commit to Santa's lap, I could tell from her face that she wasn't too excited about it. We tried anyway and you can see how it turned out =). Santa did let me sit in the chair with her while he stood behind us so we could get a not crying photo. I think I like this one better anyway. She recovered quickly after Santa gave her a fun headband. Glad we have this momentous photo to remind Payton of how scared she was.
Payton has been very interesting this past month. Dropping off at daycare the past couple of weeks has been more difficult for her than usual. The ironic thing is when I pick her up from daycare, some days she doesn't want to leave Ms Jessica. Crazy girl. I know she has fun at school and she loves to be the teacher's helper. She does lots of crafty things, gets her nails painted and is having fun learning. I am sure it is just a phase and some days it is just rough.
I have to say the worst part of our day is riding in the car. There are lots of days where she will cry at least half or the whole way to and from daycare. I try to console her with snacks and her cup of milk. If those don't work we try to sing songs or she plays on her kindle. Most of the time she is just crying for me to hold her. It makes me so sad to hear her cry for me. Trying to stay positive and thinking of other things to keep her happy in the car.
While Payton loves to have my attention as much as possibe, she does a pretty good job of entertaining herself too. She has games she plays, she likes to push her stroller around, she sings LOTS of songs, she colors and cooks in her kitchen. Looking forward to Christmas and getting some fun new indoor games for her to play. She likes to be independent and do as much as she can by herself, but will allow some help from mommy or daddy when she gets frustrated.
Payton has had the chance to experience some of Kansas City's holiday awesomeness. Nana and Papa took her to see the Fairy Princesses. She made a couple of ornaments and got to meet a couple of the pretty princesses. We also took a quick trip to Crown Center. Maybe next year we will try it on a not so busy weekend. We played in a few of the stores and outside with all the lights. We had a fun family time...
There was of course the meeting of Santa Claus...

Payton has been very interesting this past month. Dropping off at daycare the past couple of weeks has been more difficult for her than usual. The ironic thing is when I pick her up from daycare, some days she doesn't want to leave Ms Jessica. Crazy girl. I know she has fun at school and she loves to be the teacher's helper. She does lots of crafty things, gets her nails painted and is having fun learning. I am sure it is just a phase and some days it is just rough.
I have to say the worst part of our day is riding in the car. There are lots of days where she will cry at least half or the whole way to and from daycare. I try to console her with snacks and her cup of milk. If those don't work we try to sing songs or she plays on her kindle. Most of the time she is just crying for me to hold her. It makes me so sad to hear her cry for me. Trying to stay positive and thinking of other things to keep her happy in the car.
While Payton loves to have my attention as much as possibe, she does a pretty good job of entertaining herself too. She has games she plays, she likes to push her stroller around, she sings LOTS of songs, she colors and cooks in her kitchen. Looking forward to Christmas and getting some fun new indoor games for her to play. She likes to be independent and do as much as she can by herself, but will allow some help from mommy or daddy when she gets frustrated.
This might be my longest blog yet! Looking forward to the next couple of weeks and spending lots of quality time with family. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
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