I can't believe 2016 is coming to a close. It makes me sad to think about how fast time is passing me by. Aaron and I made it 10 years together, I am 6 years in at Walz Tetrick Advertising, Kristen is officially an adult, Andrew is in high school and Payton is going to be two in just a couple of months. How is all this possible? I am a little emotional today realizing that I will be 35 this year and wondering what the next 10 years will be like.
One of my goals for 2017 is to enjoy all the little moments and not be so caught up in my work, cleaning the house and just keeping it all together. I have always been a person that likes routine and to have a plan. I need to be busy and productive. I am easily stressed when something interrupts my plans. I have a hard time just going with the flow and letting things happen. It is a control thing and I want to be able to find a little more balance this coming year.
I know I need to do a better job of taking care of myself, so that is going to be something else I try and work on for 2017. I enjoy working out and I have recently come up with a lot of excuses to not make it a priority. It makes me feel better and I enjoy doing it, just making the time for it is something I struggle with. Eating better is another necessity. Trust me, I do not like being a picky eater. I hate cooking and I really don't want to spend time trying to find ways to eat healthy. I know it is something I need to do for both myself and Payton. I hope I can do better in 2017.
I don't want to put too much pressure on myself for next year, but I know Aaron and I really want to get our financial situation in a better place. I don't have a lot of complaints, we both have working and safe vehicles, a great house in a safe neighborhood and we don't have to deprive ourselves of things we want. I would however like to be able to save a little more money and work towards a debt free life and not use credit cards for emergencies. We would love to go on more vacations and enjoy life without worring about the money.
I am sad to see another year has come and gone so fast, but I am excited for 2017 and all that it has in store. I love my family and the life I have. I hope that next year is full of fun memories. We have enjoyed lots of family time and a lot of love this past month. Payton had such a great Christmas and I couldn't be happier to have her as my little sidekick. She is an amazing little girl.

I know I need to do a better job of taking care of myself, so that is going to be something else I try and work on for 2017. I enjoy working out and I have recently come up with a lot of excuses to not make it a priority. It makes me feel better and I enjoy doing it, just making the time for it is something I struggle with. Eating better is another necessity. Trust me, I do not like being a picky eater. I hate cooking and I really don't want to spend time trying to find ways to eat healthy. I know it is something I need to do for both myself and Payton. I hope I can do better in 2017.
I don't want to put too much pressure on myself for next year, but I know Aaron and I really want to get our financial situation in a better place. I don't have a lot of complaints, we both have working and safe vehicles, a great house in a safe neighborhood and we don't have to deprive ourselves of things we want. I would however like to be able to save a little more money and work towards a debt free life and not use credit cards for emergencies. We would love to go on more vacations and enjoy life without worring about the money.
I am sad to see another year has come and gone so fast, but I am excited for 2017 and all that it has in store. I love my family and the life I have. I hope that next year is full of fun memories. We have enjoyed lots of family time and a lot of love this past month. Payton had such a great Christmas and I couldn't be happier to have her as my little sidekick. She is an amazing little girl.
Happy New Years to all my family and friends. I hope to make a lot more memories with all of you in 2017.
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