September is here and we are heading into Payton's first fall season. I am excited for her first Halloween and checking out the pumpkin patch. This past week has been full of exciting firsts for our little one.
September 1st, 2015 - Payton's first Royals Game!

heat. We were lucky enough to be able to spoil her in the Diamond Club seats, thanks to my work. Aaron, Andrew, my dad and I were there to enjoy it with Payton. We had a fancy sign and her cutest outfit on to cheer on the boys in blue. Unfortunately, we lost to the Detroit Tigers and we didn't make it on the big screen. I have to say that Payton did fabulously! She got lots of ooohs and aaahs from people in the crowd, she watched the game and hung out with Papa, she even got in a twenty minute nap. It was a late night and we finally got home close to 11p. We all had a really fun time and I can't wait to take her to the next game.
September 2nd, 2015 - Payton's first tooth!
We've been waiting and waiting and finally a tooth! It's one of her bottom teeth. You can barely see it, but boy can you feel it. She loves to rub everything on it. She isn't quite ready for steak yet, but she is loving all the new foods she is trying.
September 4th, 2015 - Payton's first taste of ice cream!
I have to say the food thing is pretty exciting. It's fun to see her facial expressions when she tries a new food. She has been eyeballing everything we eat and opens her mouth like she wants a bite. We had some ice cream and I could tell she wanted a taste. We caught it on video and she pretty much loved it. She is going to have a sweet tooth like her momma.
September 5th, 2015 - Payton's first time on a swing!
Miss Payton is pretty adventurous. She likes to see and try everything. We decided to stop by a park and see how she liked the swing. She went along with it. She never really got too excited, but we got a smile out of her. Something else we will try again as she gets bigger.
It's been an exciting week of new things. I can't believe how big she is getting. More fun things to come!
Nice to have this blog to keep track of all her firsts.