I can't believe how much Payton has changed from 6 months to 7 months. She is just getting so much bigger and growing like a weed. Her hair is coming in more and she is sitting and standing up every chance she gets. She also has her first tooth and another one on the way. It's all happening so fast!
She loves to talk and make noises. She is the most talkative in the morning. Lots and lots of Nanana and Dadada. I am hoping for some Mamama soon, but nothing yet. She does a lot of grunting too, it's pretty funny. It's so hard to get her on camera, once she see's the phone she stops everything and stares at it til she gets it. I was able to get a little video of Dadada and some of funny noises...
She is really checking everything out these days. She loves to look at photos and she has to know about everything that is going on. If anything is in reaching distance she is trying to grab it and check it out. More than likely it ends up in her mouth. Cell phones and remote controls are just a couple of her obsessions. She has a little tantrum when she doesn't get it. Only a few times have we seen the diva come out =)
Payton loves to be doing stuff. She has a swing in the backyard that she likes to relax in. She has tried out her walker, but she isn't quiet tall enough yet. We had to adjust her jumper recently. She is almost bouncing out of that thing. No crawling yet, but she does love to stand up and daddy is practicing walking with her. We are still a long ways away thank goodness.
It has been a fun month and it has gone by so fast. Teething is giving us a run for our money. It will be interesting to see how many teeth come in before she turns 8 months old. Looking forward to all the fun holidays coming up. Lots more first for Ms Payton. Here are some fun photos from the past month!
She loves to talk and make noises. She is the most talkative in the morning. Lots and lots of Nanana and Dadada. I am hoping for some Mamama soon, but nothing yet. She does a lot of grunting too, it's pretty funny. It's so hard to get her on camera, once she see's the phone she stops everything and stares at it til she gets it. I was able to get a little video of Dadada and some of funny noises...
Here you can here a little bit of Nanana with some grunting too =)
She is really checking everything out these days. She loves to look at photos and she has to know about everything that is going on. If anything is in reaching distance she is trying to grab it and check it out. More than likely it ends up in her mouth. Cell phones and remote controls are just a couple of her obsessions. She has a little tantrum when she doesn't get it. Only a few times have we seen the diva come out =)
Payton loves to be doing stuff. She has a swing in the backyard that she likes to relax in. She has tried out her walker, but she isn't quiet tall enough yet. We had to adjust her jumper recently. She is almost bouncing out of that thing. No crawling yet, but she does love to stand up and daddy is practicing walking with her. We are still a long ways away thank goodness.
It has been a fun month and it has gone by so fast. Teething is giving us a run for our money. It will be interesting to see how many teeth come in before she turns 8 months old. Looking forward to all the fun holidays coming up. Lots more first for Ms Payton. Here are some fun photos from the past month!
Loving the talking. Momma is next. Love you all.