No more newborn clothes; my baby girl is 2 months old. It is amazing how much she is growing and changing. She's got the cutest little belly and just a smidgen of a double chin. Her hair is getting lighter and she more alert than ever. Why is it all happening so fast?
There are some days when I wake up and it seems like she is a different girl. Then I come home from work and she has changed again. I love that cute little button nose of hers. She is still a little lady with her tiny piglet toes and little hands that wrap around my fingers. I think those big blue eyes are here to stay. She has the longest eyelashes and those lips are precious. I don't really know who she looks like, but she is one beautiful baby.
I love that she knows my voice and will look for me. Watching her see the world is awesome. It's crazy to think how new everything is for her. Her eyes get so big when she is really interested in something. She will smile and stick her tongue out. She is super chill and will let daddy do about anything. Check out this fun video....
We can't wait to hear her giggle and laugh with us.
It's fun to see Andrew with her. He has been so helpful when I need him. Holding her for just a quick
minute, getting a bottle ready and just helping with Miss Cami. I feel like I have done a pretty good job of not neglecting our first baby, but it is hard. Andrew makes sure she gets attention and takes her on walks for me. Cami is still interested in Payton and I think finally realizes she isn't going anywhere. She likes to lay in her room and makes sure I am doing something about that loud crying =) I love my two girls and I am so thankful that Andrew has been willing to help when I need it.

I am so proud of my little pumpkin. Everyday is a fun new experience for her. Love her so much and can't wait to see how she continues to change.
I hope she gets to rest tonight too. I love the videos and yes, she is growing way to fast. Love watching her new moves. Andrew is so good with her too. Love you all.